Resources and facilities available:Leica SP8X Confocal Microscope (405 nm, 545 nm, and tunable pulsed white light lasers; 2 gated HyD dectectors, 3 fluroescent PMTs and DIC PMT; AOBS and AOTF; motorized XY stage, galvanometer Z stage, and definite focus system; and, full enclosure for live cell imaging (CO2 and temperature control). (CLS 705, Twiss lab)
Leica DM6000 inverted fluorescent microscope with Hamamatsu ORCA ER CCD, motorized XY stage for tile scanning, (CLS 705, Twiss Lab) Molecular Devices Spetramax i3 Plate Reader System with fluorescence, luminescence, visible light absorbance, and fluorescence polarization absorption. (CLS 707, Twiss lab) Bio-Rad Droplet QX200 Digital qPCR system and CFX384 rtPCR apparatus (CLS 707, Twiss lab) Aquaneering Zebrafish Housing facility (Poulain lab). section under construction (i.e., more to come) |